Since April 2018 a group of individuals from across Scotland who are connected into different forms of activism and social change have been meeting to develop project ideas in response to the frames of Degrowth and Decolonisation.

By Degrowth we mean a form of society and economy that aims at the well-being of all and sustains the natural basis of life. To achieve degrowth, we need a fundamental transformation of our lives and an extensive cultural change. Degrowth implies an equitable redistribution of wealth within and across the Global North and South, as well as between present and future generations. Unless it is just, it is not degrowth.


Through our various strands of work, we seek to strategically build relationships with and between groups and individuals who are explicitly challenging and exploring alternatives to capitalism, focused on issues of equity and oppression and/or who are environmentally focused in order to help demonstrate and make as visible as possible the interconnected nature of all these challenges.

Enough! actively responds to our emerging climate realities by:

  • Creating learning spaces and igniting imagination
  • Puncturing the collective consciousness
  • Impacting politics and powering-up individuals to start taking action
  • Supporting the growth of intentional structures and relationships – building trust
  • Encouraging tangible outcomes

Enough! seeks to foster a spirit of solidarity and common purpose and, at the same time, recognise that we all have differing perspectives on what is to be done and how. We offer some shared learning and hope that you will be interested in the perspectives we are bringing. However, we do not expect you to accept them as truth and know that you will have other views, challenges and critiques. We make no attempt to extinguish the important differences between our groups and recognise that we will each have our strengths and weaknesses in terms of our analysis, our ability to organise and what we believe to be most important. More important than our differences, however, is the common thread that brings us together. Capitalism is pushing our communities and our climate to the brink of collapse. It is more urgent than ever to work together on demonstrating the credibility of economic alternatives and supporting our communities to adapt before it is too late, and we would like to work with you in doing this!

Meet Our Team

Our members are listed here


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