Incredible Edible Inverness

Enough! has established a partnership with Incredible Edible Inverness in 2021.

Incredible Edible Inverness came into being in June 2020 with Covid and resultant emphasis on local food being a primary driver for its inception.  The timing was obviously right because in less than a year we have achieved quite a lot and greeted by nearly everyone with enthusiasm.

Planters by Inverness cathedral are being used for growing vegetables and fruit and a large bed will soon be planted with blueberries, kale, kohl rabi, calendula and nasturtiums.  A local Medical practice now has six fruit trees, several fruit bushes, two raised beds already planted with some veg and a strawberry bed.  A Child Development Centre at Raigmore Hospital now has two fruit trees in tubs waiting for final planting location in the autumn.  Further big growing developments will happen there in due course.

Holm Grown is a partnership between Incredible Edible Inverness (IEI) and Holm Community Council, a residential area to the south west of the city.  There are plans for a stunning new garden in a site allocated for the community adjacent to Tesco supermarket. A community initiative in George Street has been cleared of debris and snowberries and a plum tree and raspberries established and out at Culloden there are plans to reinvigorate a growing area beside the library.   We have also established a wee nursery of apple tree rootstock awaiting scions later this year which will result in more fruit trees ready for new locations  in a couple of years or so.

Dead trees planted by the Highland Council have been replaced by IEI’s apple trees  in two locations along riverside and finally adjacent to Ness Bank Church we have been given permission to grow vegetables in flower beds some of which will be used by Inverness Foodstuffs who provide a hot meal for those in need on a weekly basis.