The Scottish Degrowth Commission – Open Call

Enough! is going to host the sub-theme session "The Scottish Degrowth Commission: work, livelihoods and a ‘just transition’" with Svenja Meyerricks and Ewan Mackenzie at the joint conference of the International Degrowth Research Network and the International Society for Ecological Economics on 5th - 8th July 2021. ‘The Scottish Degrowth Commission’ is a panel...


In this article, I argue against the growth-based model of the cultural industries, focusing on cinema and thinking towards alternative pathways for a post-growth creative sector in Scotland. In the months since I started writing it, many of the things I argued about have ground to a halt due the Covid-19 pandemic. Production projects...

NECESSITY Website Launch: A living archive rooted in social and environmental justice

Enough! is one of many groups and projects featured on a new website that launches this week: www.necessity.infoNECESSITY is a living archive rooted in social and environmental justice. The site aims to share stories, learning and research from across the UK. It supports communities to strengthen and adapt to ongoing economic and climate challenges. It also offers funding to...

New ONLINE SHORT COURSE – Degrowth in Scotland: Degrowing the Economy, Regrowing Our Lives

New Online Short Course6 Weeks Running 6 Oct - 10 Nov 2020Tuesday evenings, 6:30pm - 8:30pmEnough! and the Centre for Human Ecology are offering an online short course (delivered via Zoom) which will introduce participants to the historic gains and problems of economic growth and the principles of degrowth and ecological economics. The course...

Searching for a Decolonised Childhood – Resources for Primary and Secondary Aged Children

The following resources are intended for parents, carers, educators and everyone who takes an interest in decolonising educational resources for children. The list has been compiled by Sapna Agarwal for an Upending conversation on the 9th of July 2020, hosted by Enough! Scotland with support from the Centre for Human Ecology.You can watch...

Learning from Lockdown

What did lockdown reveal about ourselves, our communities, our society, our government? From across Scotland, we want to gather some of the #learningfromlockdown.We want to hear your thoughts; good, bad, indifferent. Personal reflections or political rants. What have we learnt about what really matters? And as the return to ‘normal’ ramps up - what...

Before the Trauma

In June 2020, Enough! hosted Stories for Terrestrial Survival, a creative writing workshop led by poet and translator Juana Adcock. The workshop was held to honour Degrowth Day.Here we share some of the writing produced during the workshop.Before the Traumaby Justin Kenrick1Before the traumawas the tiny palmsearching for love,embodying love.In the beginningwas connectionand emergence:knowing nothing,embodying everything.2.The trauma...