LESS #3 – Call for Contributions

We are currently seeking contributions to our upcoming issue LESS #3: Degrowth and Decolonisation in the Red Zone

The recent IPPC report signals the latest three-alarm warning for humanity and the biosphere. It’s a red alert for the ‘red zone’- those areas of our planet responsible for the most emissions, which are also now squarely in the floodplain- including Scotland.

Beyond COP26, we invite contributions that focus on Scottish resistance to the climate crisis. The story emerging so far on the road to COP26 from mainstream commentators and media, party politics and corporate PR is that we can carry on industrial civilisation as per usual, by simply inserting a renewably-powered battery in the same old machine. This approach will almost certainly lead to collapse. Rather, we’re interested in clues and trails that lead away from this collision with planetary limits. We seek responses that reflect grounded lived practice and fresh-thinking through degrowth and decolonisation to create a future-focused and outward looking climate justice movement. This needs innovation that responds to our times, as well as recovering traditional ecological and cultural knowledge, especially within a Scottish context, which can help restore fragments of meaning in our times of metacrisis.

Submissions: We invite a combination of thoroughly researched material, opinion pieces, poetry and art work from those with lived knowledge in these areas, researchers, poets, creative writers and artists. If you’re interested in submitting a piece, please have a look at our guidelines for contributors and send us a short summary or abstract of your idea to [email protected] asap. We aim to have selected contributors by the end of August. The deadline for finished pieces is 4th October, and we pay a fee of £240.

LESS is a journal on degrowth, radical sufficiency and decolonisation in Scotland. LESS questions and challenges dominant narratives about what economic progress means in Scotland, and sketches out alternative visions. The focus is on collective and democratic solutions to sustaining livelihoods that meet people’s needs while rising to the threats of climate change, ecocide and mass extinction, inequality, racism and the far right, and the interconnected oppressive and extractivist logic and mechanisms that feed all of those.

Editorial team: Mike Small, Dr Mairi McFadyen, Dr Svenja Meyerricks and Luke Devlin


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