Enough! are committed to commissioning and curating high quality content around our climate reality, alternative ways of economic organising, degrowth and deep adaptation.

Here are some links below to some original content that reflects ideas and conversations we find interesting.

On Palestine

"Life is precious, and bloodshed and killings are tragic for all. But for some, such losses have been an ongoing way of life." - Mariame Kaba and Kelly Hayes. We stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine.End the occupation. Open a humanitarian corridor. End apartheid.We support the right of all peoples who have been occupied by colonial and imperial states to fight for their...

Remembering the Tuath

Forms of traditional ecological knowledge that have been enacted since antiquity in Scotland are ripe for re-imagining. Col Gordon explores ways in which a renewed application of these methods can help transition to sustainable, locally-appropriateforms of agriculture in the post fossil-fuel era. Art by Megan Chapman. From #4 of LESS a journal of degrowth, radical sufficiency and decolonisation.“I hear the storm. They talk to...

Open Letter to the First Minister

Enough! has joined with another 115 charities, economists, businesses, trade unions and academics to send an open letter to Scotland’s First Minister calling for an “urgent transition to a Wellbeing Economy.” Read the statement here: 'Redesigning our Economy for People and Planet: Joint Statement on the Wellbeing Economy (weallscotland.org)' and the text of the letter below.The Enough! Collective believes in the principles and values...

On-the-ground activism in Galloway

In their focus on mining in Galloway, Annie Morgan and Nayab Khalid look from the particular to the global to talk of Martin Arboleda’s “planetary mine”. This thread is a recurring one of rooting action in place and time but drawing back to see a wider and deeper picture. For Morgan and Khalid, Arboleda’s “concept of ‘global colony’ with interconnected infrastructures and technologies that...

Scotland’s Top 20 Polluters

As the shambles and scandal of Drax tumbles out in to the open 'UK power station owner cuts down primary forests in Canada' - we have our own problems here in Scotland. For issue 4 of LESS - Scotland's journal of degrowth and radical abundance - we partnered with The Ferret (Scotland's award winning investigative journalism cooperative) to produce this infographic of Scotland's Top...

Somersaulting out of a Cave of Gold: thoughts on the current and future condition of the Gàidhealtachd

Words by Iain Mackinnon. Illustration by Pearse O' Halloran.“Let me begin by stating something that might seem obvious: isolation is an important tool, and a devastating result, of colonization. …the colonized society as a whole is made to think of itself as entirely alone in the universe – completely vulnerable and unprotected. At the individual level colonised people learn to hide their real...

Why we need cosmological limits to growth

Dr Katharina Richter on the cultural direction of socio ecological transformations. Illustrations by Deborah Mullen.Degrowth is a big tent, peopled by ecological economists, political ecologists, activists, (eco)feminists, anthropologists, artists, researchers, students, political scientists, sociologists, and many more. Participants in a social movement, degrowthers are often both researchers and activists. They provide compelling answers to the question of how to live well and equitably within...

Other Worlds

Degrowth and Ecology: a Silent PlantingLast night we launched our new issue with the magnificent Stove Network in Dumfries. You can pick up a copy from there, and in the coming weeks across Scotland- check the list of our Hubs here for updates, or order a bundle to help share and distribute by contacting us here.In this issue, we wanted to explore the ecological...

DE/GROWTH: Human Ecology, Economy, Community

An online collaborative learning programme with a residential learning retreat / field trip to Ullapool, run in partnership by the Centre for Human Ecology and Enough! Scotland.The programme consists of A weekly online session: Wednesdays 6.30pm - 8.30pm, Sept 14th - Nov 16th 2022A residential learning retreat and field trip in the Ceilidh Place, Ullapool Oct 10th-14th.Self-directed study: through a course handbook, online resources and...

LESS #4 – Call for Contributions

LESS is a journal on degrowth, radical sufficiency and decolonisation in Scotland. Issue 4: the ecology issue.With Glasgow's COP26 fading into history as another milestone in industrial civilisations' failure to reckon seriously with the root causes of climate change, the limitations of our ability to handle diffuse, complex risk becomes clearer. Our national and global institutions, predicated on an anthropocentric worldview and quasi-fanatical adherence to...

Free States: Contested Territories, New Imaginaries

Territorial struggle and prefigurative politics were evident at the Pollok Free State in the 1990s, opening up new possibilities beyond protest. To mark the occasion of COP26 taking place in Glasgow, Pablo Routledge, Gehan Macleod and David Lees write how a new Govan Declaration of Independence – a Govan Free State at GalGael – is creating a space for gathering and pose critical questions...

LESS #3 – Call for Contributions

We are currently seeking contributions to our upcoming issue LESS #3: Degrowth and Decolonisation in the Red ZoneThe recent IPPC report signals the latest three-alarm warning for humanity and the biosphere. It's a red alert for the 'red zone'- those areas of our planet responsible for the most emissions, which are also now squarely in the floodplain- including Scotland.Beyond COP26, we invite contributions...

Tailor Made Degrowth: How a localised clothing economy can contribute to a degrowth future

by Alis Le MayThis is from #2 of LESS – our journal of degrowth, radical sufficiency and decolonisation in Scotland. Details of how to get a print copy here.The fashion industry is among the most polluting industries on the planet. It is fraught with ethical atrocities, inherently resource-hungry and, some might claim, entirely unnecessary – in utilitarian terms we have produced enough clothing and...


Poem by Juana Adcock. Illustration: Fadzai Mwakutuya; photo: Ewan BushThis is from #2 of LESS - our journal of degrowth, radical sufficiency and decolonisation in Scotland. Details of how to get a print copy here.SteelI place my palm en la reja called border wall.Let its steel enter my body: iron alloyed with carbonhardened to prevent the movement of dislocations.I am in Tijuana, looking at...

Scotland quo vadis?

Scotland is a country facing challenges while heading for several transitions simultaneously, but also blessed by opportunities. Working to realise them is urgent to make Scotland future-proof – a green country with a clean economy and solidarity society. Transforming the economy by physical degrowth would be active work towards independence, first within the political restrictions of the UK, then possibly with extended competences in...

Social Media Worker

graphic showing getting enough out there on various social media platforms
Enough! Scotland are a small collective working with some big themes - like degrowth and decolonisationOverview and RoleOur work needs someone with the know-how to enhance and cultivate our social media presence. We’re looking for a freelancer who can work closely with collective members to create engaging social media content and keep our social media channels active and relevant.As well as having the kind...

The Anti-D’oh!

Mapping the emotional systems that could drive us to an ecological civilisation by Pat Kane. This is from #2 of LESS our journal of degrowth, radical sufficiency and decolonisation in Scotland. Details of how to get a print copy here.We hear a lot from behavioural science and nudge theory about how susceptible humans are to addictive and self-destructive behaviour - our inner “Homer...

Between limit and desire: strategic directions in the collapse of industrial civilisation

Hardly anybody has understood that the Covid-19 pandemic is not an isolated and exceptional event, but rather a single moment in a much broader process: ecosocial collapse. By Adrián Almazán and Luis González Reyes, translated by Tom Younger. This is from #2 of LESS, our journal of degrowth, radical sufficiency and decolonisation in Scotland. Details of how to get a print copy here.The great shock...

On Degrowth and an Economy of Care

Artwork by Tarneem Al MousawiDegrowth thinking and ideas largely evolved in a European context. At LESS, we believe that in times of Brexit it is more important than ever to share ideas between grassroots movements in Scotland and the rest of Europe to better understand the common challenges we face in late stage capitalism, and to identify opportunities to resist these and to develop...

The Carrying Stream: Towards A Plurality of Possibilities

Characterised as 'peripheral' even within Scotland and caught in a historical matrix of coloniality and 'under-development' - the Highlands and Islands holds an emerging network of possibility. By Ainslie Roddick, Cáit O' Neil McCullagh, Charlotte Mountford, Jo Rodgers, Kirsten Body, Lauren Pyott, Lisa MacDonald, Mairi McFadyen, Philomena de Lima and Raghnaid Sandilands. Artwork by Fadzai Mwakutuya.This collaborative essay reflects multiple voices on degrowth from...

The Scottish Degrowth Commission – Open Call

Enough! is going to host the sub-theme session "The Scottish Degrowth Commission: work, livelihoods and a ‘just transition’" with Svenja Meyerricks and Ewan Mackenzie at the joint conference of the International Degrowth Research Network and the International Society for Ecological Economics on 5th - 8th July 2021. ‘The Scottish Degrowth Commission’ is a panel discussion to explore how degrowth ideas and practices can influence...

LESS #2 – Degrowth in Scotland

LESS is a journal on degrowth, radical sufficiency and decolonisation in Scotland. To pick up your physical copy, head over to one of the distribution points. We will also mail out a limited number of copies to folk further away and publish a digital version - watch this space for details!LESS questions and challenges dominant narratives about what economic progress means in Scotland, and sketches...

LESS, a journal of degrowth

LESS is a journal of degrowth, radical sufficiency and decolonisation in Scotland. Each issue ideas re-imagining our economy, mixing theory and grounded practice, examples of grassroots organisation and visionary ideas for a viable future. We publish in print and distribute across the UK, articles are also published online here.Issue 2 examines degrowth and climate breakdown in a post-Brexit, mid-pandemic, pre-independent Scotland.As the institutions and...


In this article, I argue against the growth-based model of the cultural industries, focusing on cinema and thinking towards alternative pathways for a post-growth creative sector in Scotland. In the months since I started writing it, many of the things I argued about have ground to a halt due the Covid-19 pandemic. Production projects have stalled, venues have closed, awards have been postponed and...

Open Call for LESS #2

LESS is a journal of degrowth, radical sufficiency and decolonisation in Scotland. LESS questions and challenges dominant narratives about what economic progress means in Scotland, and sketches out alternative visions. The focus is on collective and democratic solutions to sustaining livelihoods that meet people’s needs while rising to the threats of climate change, ecocide and mass extinction, inequality, racism and the far right, and the...

Powering an Alternative Economy by Lucy Conway

Powering an Alternative EconomyLUCY CONWAYThere are advantages to living on an island one hour’s irregular ferry connection from the mainland. It makes you resilient, adaptive, able to move from coping with little to maximising surplus nimbly and effectively. It also makes you very aware of your own fragility, of your reliance on others and theirs on you. In these ways the people of Eigg...

LESS Issue 1

LESS Issue 1LESS is a journal on degrowth, radical sufficiency and decolonisation in Scotland. LESS questions and challenges dominant narratives about what economic progress means in Scotland, and sketches out alternative visions. The focus is on collective and democratic solutions to sustaining livelihoods that meet people’s needs while rising to the threats of climate change, ecocide and mass extinction, inequality, racism and the far right,...

Meticulous the Gardener

Meticulous the Gardener by Tawona Ganyamatopé Sitholéthat plant is a weedmeticulous the gardenerdecides with no hesitationgrowing where it shouldn'tso of kukoshahaving noneso here comenecessary tools for necessaryhackinghackingdiggingdiggingthat plantof a thriving populationborn of wind pollinationgrounded such thingearthed by totem beinga weed for weedingand to do it properlyhave to pull from the rootsand that's the land clearedthis plant is a plantmeticulous the gardenerknows with no investigationgrowing...

Launch of LESS, a Journal of Degrowth in Scotland

Enough! Scotland is proud to host the online launch of LESS, a journal on degrowth, radical sufficiency and decolonisation in Scotland, on Friday, November 27 at 5pm.Editors Mike Small, Svenja Meyerricks and Luke Devlin will introduce the main ideas behind the journal, followed by a convivial sharing of music and poetry in the style of a traditional cèilidh. BYOB.The launch of LESS will be...

NECESSITY Website Launch: A living archive rooted in social and environmental justice

Enough! is one of many groups and projects featured on a new website that launches this week: www.necessity.infoNECESSITY is a living archive rooted in social and environmental justice. The site aims to share stories, learning and research from across the UK. It supports communities to strengthen and adapt to ongoing economic and climate challenges. It also offers funding to increase the capacity of people, projects and networks within the...

New ONLINE SHORT COURSE – Degrowth in Scotland: Degrowing the Economy, Regrowing Our Lives

New Online Short Course6 Weeks Running 6 Oct - 10 Nov 2020Tuesday evenings, 6:30pm - 8:30pmEnough! and the Centre for Human Ecology are offering an online short course (delivered via Zoom) which will introduce participants to the historic gains and problems of economic growth and the principles of degrowth and ecological economics. The course will discuss different frameworks for an economics of radical sufficiency...

Searching for a Decolonised Childhood – Resources for Primary and Secondary Aged Children

The following resources are intended for parents, carers, educators and everyone who takes an interest in decolonising educational resources for children. The list has been compiled by Sapna Agarwal for an Upending conversation on the 9th of July 2020, hosted by Enough! Scotland with support from the Centre for Human Ecology.You can watch Sapna's full talk here.Here you can find more information...

Learning from Lockdown

What did lockdown reveal about ourselves, our communities, our society, our government? From across Scotland, we want to gather some of the #learningfromlockdown.We want to hear your thoughts; good, bad, indifferent. Personal reflections or political rants. What have we learnt about what really matters? And as the return to ‘normal’ ramps up - what about 'normal' might we not want back? What must we...

Searching for a Decolonised Childhood – Resources for Young Children

The following resources are intended for parents, carers, educators and everyone who takes an interest in decolonising educational resources for children. The list has been compiled by Sapna Agarwal for an Upending conversation on the 9th of July 2020, hosted by Enough! Scotland with support from the Centre for Human Ecology.This list of resources is for young children aged 18 months - primary...

Before the Trauma

In June 2020, Enough! hosted Stories for Terrestrial Survival, a creative writing workshop led by poet and translator Juana Adcock. The workshop was held to honour Degrowth Day.Here we share some of the writing produced during the workshop.Before the Traumaby Justin Kenrick1Before the traumawas the tiny palmsearching for love,embodying love.In the beginningwas connectionand emergence:knowing nothing,embodying everything.2.The traumaof the ‘you not me,me not you’ worldwas nowherein the ‘me because...

A Letter from the Future

In June 2020, Enough! hosted Stories for Terrestrial Survival, a creative writing workshop led by poet and translator Juana Adcock. The workshop was held to honour Degrowth Day. Here we share some of the writing produced during the workshop.A Letter from the Futureby RatnadeviIt’s as if they rearrange the boundaries of their personalities in the process, possibly even change circuits in their brain...

The Great Burning of 2084

In June 2020, Enough! hosted Stories for Terrestrial Survival, a creative writing workshop led by poet and translator Juana Adcock. The workshop was held to honour Degrowth Day. Here we share some of the writing produced during the workshop.Nothing written on pixelated waters survives. Only scribbled or printed paper carries the words of those times.In the furious burning, the neural pathways of pixelated connectedness are gone, gone...

A Call from Scotland to Embrace Degrowth Thinking on #GlobalDegrowthDay

A Call from Scotland to Embrace Degrowth Thinking on #GlobalDegrowthDay Saturday 6th June, 2020As long as our economy is dependent on growth, any ‘economic recovery’ from the coronavirus will be a disaster. Instead, Scotland needs a planned, sustainable, and equitable downscaling and a fundamental reorganising of the economy.Today, on #GlobalDegrowthDay, we lay out some principles of degrowth for those not familiar with the idea...

Stories for Terrestrial Survival. A Creative Writing Workshop with Juana Adcock

A free creative writing workshop in two parts, with the first taking place on Global Degrowth Day, coinciding with a number of other events that share alternatives to growth based societies.Saturday 6th June & Sunday 14th June, 8pm - 9:30pmSpaces are limited - you can book yours here. We'd like to encourage you to take part in both days. If that's not possible,...

Enough! Statement: Collective Care in the time of Coronavirus

The coronavirus pandemic is a reminder that health is truly a public issue that we must meet with care, courage and a collaborative mindset in order to lessen the impact on everyone, but especially on the hardest hit and most vulnerable members of society.The best case scenario would be a well-resourced public health system and carefully coordinated responses by our national governments and local...

//ON HOLD// Call for Contributions: The Scottish Degrowth Commission

Covid-19 update: Sadly but understandably, the Degrowth Conference in Manchester had to be postponed to 2021. This means that we're no longer accepting submissions for this session. We hope that we'll be able to re-launch a new Call for Contributions sometime in the next few months. Thank you for your interest!We are inviting proposals for contributions to Enough!’s session at the 7TH...

Part Two: A long time gone, memory and mining from Silesia to the Ruhr

“During the industrial era people were forced to endure long and bitter conflicts in their struggle to participate in the political system…It remains to be seen whether the transformation of traditional industrial societies will be accompanied by a regress of democratic structures or whether progress towards more democracy is already culturally anchored and irreversible.” Information panel, Ruhr Museum, 2019 Never one to...

Housing justice is climate justice – how neighbourhoods are organising in Barcelona

picture of la base in Barcelona with cars in front and a man and child on the right
Nishma Doshi travelled around Europe with our Routes programme. Here they describe how fighting for housing rights is a part of climate justice in Barcelona.What is climate justice? What are we fighting for when we talk about stopping climate change?Climate breakdown is a problem because it threatens our lives. It threatens our lives because it makes the world around us inhospitable, to us and...


The Degrowth Commission is publishing the first issue of its journal 'Less' in February 2020.This is a call for papers. This is a 'economic and ecological' journal, recognising that the climate crisis is part of a wider socio-ecological crisis. Contributions are invited from anyone, this is not a publication confined to or defined by any academic institution.Issue 1 asks: what does...

‘Deep Adaptation, Deep Solidarity’ film footage: Jem Bendell and Gehan Macleod

On the 21st of September 2019, Enough! hosted (in collaboration with Bella Caledonia and the Centre for Human Ecology) the event Deep Adaptation, Deep Solidarity in the Scottish Youth Theatre in Glasgow to explore the following questions:What does climate breakdown mean for us in practice?How do our lives need to change to respond to an increasingly unstable and unpredictable future?How do we ensure...

Amazonia: An International Socio-environmental Crisis

The whole world stopped to watch and mourn the reports on the Amazon fires, which were immediately mistaken for forest fires due to global warming, but were actually man-made. After the true origin of the fires came to light, many blamed the Bolsonaro government's inability for the situation, as, since taking office in January, the retired militarian has defended the expansion of agribusiness in...

Enough! Response to Programme of Government

Enough! Welcomes the Programme of Government as an acknowledgement of and commitment to responding to the Climate Emergency.The Enough Collective, Scotland's new climate and economy think-tank, has issued the following statement on the Scottish Government's Programme for Government and its climate emergency policies.Enough! repeats our assertion that any efforts to tackle climate change without talking about economic systems change fundamentally fails to engage...

Community Response takes its first steps: Merkinch, Inverness

The first Enough! community response pilot is taking place in Inverness. Enough's Mairi McFadyen reflects on the project so far. As a means and rationale for finding a community to work with and in for our community response strand, and to complement our outward-looking European route-map, we began with the idea of the canal as a kind of metaphor or provocation - a change...

Open Call for Enough Routes Project

The Enough! Collective is supporting an individual to undertake a month’s travel through Europe this Autumn.Enough! Is supporting three routes journeys during 2019. We work collaboratively with individuals and support them to create their route-map and equip them with the skills and tools required to get the most out of the project.Through these journeys, Enough! will create a low-carbon route map

Marie Kondo and the Anthropocene

The Netflix craze of the year is the comforting appearance of Marie Kondo bringing her domestic Zen presence to Western homes.  De-cluttering as crisis-management, a sort of pious lifestyle comfort-viewing for the existentially distressed. It’s the world being sorted by folding towels properly.But there’s a deeper current at play, and that’s the crisis of accumulation. Even Marx knew this: “Accumulate, accumulate! That is Moses and...

An economy for Scotland that’s better than growth?

Katherine Trebeck, author of The Economics of Arrival on why Scotland needs to embrace a de-growth agenda.In 1983 President Reagan declared, ‘There are no great limits to growth because there are no limits to human intelligence, imagination and wonder’. That was an era when students were striking against the risk of atomic war, when celebrities sang that aid and charity from the west would ‘feed the world’. It was a time...

DE/GROWTH: human ecology, solidarity, community

- application deadline extended to 30th August! -2023 online and residential course17th October - 9th December 2023An invitation to take part in a participatory, transformative learning programme for social and environmental practitioners, (post)activists, change-makers and everyone else interested in exploring ideas and practices for economies of care, solidarity, belonging and social and ecological justice within planetary limits. The programme combines online sessions over...

Betwixt and Between: a Conversation with Hanna Tuulikki

Dougie Strang interviews Hanna Tuulikki about her new project Seals’kin, and much more. This interview was published in #4 of LESS a journal of degrowth, radical sufficiency and decolonisation in Scotland. You can pick up a free hard copy from our hubs here.“Neither one thing nor another thing,” sings Hanna Tuulikki, over and over, providing the vocals for a song on the album Wayward the Fourth by Daniel...