LESS, a journal of degrowth

LESS is a journal of degrowth, radical sufficiency and decolonisation in Scotland. Each issue ideas re-imagining our economy, mixing theory and grounded practice, examples of grassroots organisation and visionary ideas for a viable future. We publish in print and distribute across the UK, articles are also published online here.

Issue 2 examines degrowth and climate breakdown in a post-Brexit, mid-pandemic, pre-independent Scotland.

As the institutions and public sentiment of a degraded United Kingdom cultivate a protectionist and insular retreat from the world, it’s more important than ever to build political solidarity, intellectual networks, and cultural connections across Europe. In that spirit, this issue of LESS has contributions from Joachim Spangenberg (Vice President, Sustainable Europe Research Institute and Chair of BUND/Friends of the Earth Germany), a translation of work by Adrián Almazán and Luis González Reyes (‘Between limit and desire: strategic directions in the collapse of industrial civilisation’) and an interview with activist, author and academic Andrea Vetter on degrowth principles by Svenja Meyerricks. 

In this issue we have a collaborative essay from the Highlands with contributions from Ainslie Roddick, Cáit O’Neill McCullagh, Charlotte Mountford, Fadzai Mwakutuya, Jo Rodgers, Kirsten Body, Lauren Pyott, Lisa MacDonald, Mairi McFadyen, Philomena de Lima and Raghnaid Sandilands.

We are also delighted to publish Sarah Glynn on co-housing and ecology, Pat Kane maps the emotional and behavioural systems that we might draw on for a new economy, Alis Le May on slow-fashion and restoration of local craft skills and poetry on borders between the global north and global south from Juana Adcock. We also feature art work by Pearse O’Halloran, Tarneem Al Mousawi, Stewart Bremner, Calum Carr and Fadzai Mwakutuya.

Our second issue is out soon. If you’d like to act as a hub and help us distribute copies get in touch at [email protected]

You can read issue 1 here.

LESS is edited by Svenja Meyerricks, Luke Devlin, Mairi McFadyen and Mike Small.

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