Stories for Terrestrial Survival. A Creative Writing Workshop with Juana Adcock

A free creative writing workshop in two parts, with the first taking place on Global Degrowth Day, coinciding with a number of other events that share alternatives to growth based societies.

Saturday 6th June & Sunday 14th June, 8pm – 9:30pm

Spaces are limited – you can book yours here. We’d like to encourage you to take part in both days. If that’s not possible, please let us know at [email protected].

Workshop Info: A range of challenges designed to stimulate the imagination will allow participants to find fun and unexpected ways to tell stories and express ideas around degrowth in our troubled times. We use words as a tool for inspiration, delight and hope to reflect on some of our ways of being together in the world, and share our findings. The inspiration behind the workshop comes from a broad theoretical background, from Donna Haraway to Doughnut Economics and the Work that Reconnects. Participants have the option to have their stories and poems published on the Enough! blog or in the form of a zine.

Juana Adcock is a poet, translator and performer. Her Spanish-language poetry collection, Manca, explores the anatomy of violence in the Mexican drug war and was named by Reforma‘s distinguished critic Sergio González Rodríguez as one of the best books published in 2014. In 2016 she was named one of the ‘Ten New Voices from Europe’ by Literature Across Frontiers, and she has performed at numerous literary festivals internationally. Her English-language debut, Split (Blue Diode Press, 2019) was awarded the Poetry Book Society Choice.

This workshop is supported by the Centre for Human Ecology.

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